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전체 사이트관리 > 시스템 > 일반메뉴관리에서 수정하세요

Democracy in Korea

다운로드 마이 아카이브에 담기


  • 2005. 11. (일자미상)
  • 국정홍보처
  • 29932
  • 노무현대통령 사저
  • [다운로드]


[대통령 소장 도서]
Despite Many Challenges, Korean Democracy Makes
Solid Progress 6

Democracy in Korea as Viewed Around the World
Putting the Principles of Democracy Into Practice 10
∙National Competitiveness:
The Cornerstone of Korea’s Democracy 12
∙A High Level of Democracy - A Dynamic Country 14
∙Freedom of the Press Plays a Leading Role 16
∙Politics in Korea on the Right Track 18
∙An Efficient and Innovative Government
That Gets Results 20

New Political Innovations in Korea for the 21st Century
Democracy Fully Realized Through the Power of the People 24
∙A Blueprint for Genuine Democracy 26
∙Clean Elections 28
∙The Future is Now 30
∙Female Legislators 32
∙Everybody Has a Voice 34
∙Making Human Rights a Priority 36

Ushering in a New Era of Local Democracy
Decentralization is the Key 40
∙Innovations for a Balanced Society 42
∙Strategies for Regional Specialization 44
∙Industries and Local Governments Forging
Ahead Together 46
∙Political Revitalization and the Power of Local Residents 48

Korea’s Journey Toward a Transparent Society
Efforts to Clean Up Corruption 52
∙A Promise for the Future 54
∙Successful Initiatives 56

The Future of Democracy in Korea 58



노무현사료관 로고

디지털유산어워드 2018 선정 사이트

(03057) 서울시 종로구 창덕궁길 73 전화 82-2-1688-0523 팩스 82-2-713-1219 이사장 정세균 사업자번호 105-82-17699