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전체 노무현사료관의 모든 사료를 키워드·주제·시기별로 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

East Sea in Old Western Maps with Emphasis on the 17~18th Centuries


  • 2007. 04. (일자미상)
  • [저자/역자] 동해연구회 [출판] 동해연구회
  • 28938
  • 노무현대통령 사저


[대통령 소장 도서]
1. A Study on the East Sea
1.1 Appellation of "East Sea" From the Age of Discovery to the 17th Century 9
1.1.1 Old Maps of the West and the Description of East Sea
1.1.2 The Appellation of the Term "Orient"
1.1.3 The Description of East Sea in the West
1.1.4 The East Sea and Eastern Sea Route
1.1.5 Maps in the Age of Discovery and East Sea
1.1.6 Correlations Between East Sea and North Sea

1.2 Old Maps of the 18th Century Western World and East Sea 24
1.2.1 Old Maps of the West
1.2.2 Old Maps of the East Sea in the U.S. Library of Congress
1.2.3 Maps in the East Asian Library of the University of Southern California
1.2.4 Old Maps of the French National Library
1.2.5 Old Maps of the East Sea in Russian Libraries
1.2.6 Old Maps of the East Sea in German Libraries
1.2.7 Old Maps in The British Library

1.3 Japanese Arguments Are not Justifiable 52

1.4 Conclusions 64

2. Old Maps of the West
2.1 United States of America 71
2.1.1 Analysis of Old Maps
2.1.2 Old Maps: The U.S.Library of Congress
2.1.3 List of Old Maps:The U.S.Library of Congress

2.2 France 111
2.2.1 Analysis of Old Maps
2.2.2 Old Maps:The French National Library
2.2.3 List of Old Maps:The French National Library

2.3 Russia 149
2.3.1 Analysis of Old Maps
2.3.2 Old Maps:Russian Libraries
2.3.3 List of Old Maps:Russian Libraries

2.4 Germany 153
2.4.1 Analysis of Old Maps
2.4.2 Old Maps:German Libraries
2.4.3 List of Old Maps:German Libraries

2.5 United Kingdom 167
2.5.1 Analysis of Old Maps
2.5.2 Old Maps:The British Library
2.5.3 List of Old Maps:The British Library



노무현사료관 로고

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